Source code for oriole_service.api

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from os import path
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen

from nameko.exceptions import RpcTimeout
from nameko.standalone.rpc import ClusterRpcProxy as cluster

from oriole.log import logger
from oriole.ops import open_shell
from oriole.vos import exe, get_config, get_first, get_loc, get_path, mexe, switch_lang
from oriole.yml import get_yml

_SERVICE_CK = '>>> Check online services...'
_SERVICE_NO = '>>> Try ls() to check again.'
_SERVICE_OK = '>>> Online services:'
_SERVICE_CF = '>>> Error: correct directory ?'
_SERVICE_TM = '>>> Error: connection fails.'
_SERVICE_PK = '>>> Error: can not kill %s.'
_SERVICE_CS = '%-30s => %-20s'
_SERVICE_EX = 'nameko run %s --config %s'
_SERVICE_MQ = 'pyamqp://%s'
_SERVICE_FT = '[%(module)s] %(asctime)s %(levelname)-7.7s %(message)s'

def _ls(s, sh):
        services = s.super_thread.ms_services()
    except Exception:
        services = {}

    if not services:
        mexe(lambda n: print(_SERVICE_CS % (n, services.get(n))),
        sh.update({k: s[k] for k in services.keys()})

[docs]def remote_test(fil, server, time=5): try: cfg = {} if not server: cfg = get_yml(fil) else: cfg['AMQP_URI'] = _SERVICE_MQ % server with cluster(cfg, timeout=time) as s: sh = {} sh.update(dict(ls=lambda: _ls(s, sh))) _ls(s, sh) open_shell(sh) except FileNotFoundError: print(_SERVICE_CF) except RpcTimeout: print(_SERVICE_TM)
[docs]def run(service): exe(_SERVICE_EX % (service, get_loc()), get_path("" % service, "services"))
[docs]def test(service): return exe("py.test", get_path("" % service, "tests")).returncode
[docs]def get_logger(): cf = get_config() fmt = cf.get('fmt', _SERVICE_FT) dfmt = cf.get('dfmt', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') level = cf.get("log_level", "DEBUG") return logger(level, fmt, dfmt)
[docs]def halt(service): comm_ps = ["ps", "ax"] comm_nameko = ["grep", "nameko run %s" % service] comm_python = ["grep", "python"] try: p_all = Popen(comm_ps, stdout=PIPE) p_rpc = Popen(comm_nameko, stdin=p_all.stdout, stdout=PIPE) p_result = Popen(comm_python, stdin=p_rpc.stdout, stdout=PIPE) p_all.stdout.close() p_rpc.stdout.close() proc = p_result.communicate()[0] if proc: pid = int(get_first(proc)) exe("kill %s" % pid) except Exception: raise RuntimeError(_SERVICE_PK % service)
[docs]def change_lang(lang='zh'): loc = 'i18n' i18n_loc = get_loc(loc, False) if i18n_loc: loc = path.join(i18n_loc, loc) switch_lang(lang, loc)